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phenomenological approach 1 ?现象学思路 ...发生过程的初步考察 关键词: 现象学思路 发生过程 源始认识 日常认识 科学认识 [gap=693]Key words: phenomenological approach; genesis process; primordial knowing; daily knowing; scientific cognition. 2 ?现象学研究法 现象学研究法(phenomenological approach)是以了解人的生活经历为目的的技术,是研究、描述人体验的本质f2羽。 3 ?现象学研究 phenomenological approach现象学研究 现象学取向 Of, relating to, or constituting phenomena or a phenomenon. 4 ?现象学取向 现象学取向(phenomenological approach), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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This thesis attempts to probe into Plath's life outlook with the Phenomenological approach supplemented by other literary criticisms such as Feminism and Psychoanalysis. 本文以文学现象学为主要批评方法,兼用了心理分析和女性主义等相关理论,试图对女诗人诗歌中所体现的生命观作一探索。 - 2
The phenomenological approach to literature is fundamentally concerned with how individual readers engage with texts, how the convergence of the reader and text brings the literary work into being. 现象学文学批评方法从根本上来说涉及到个体读者如何参与到文本中去,以及读者与文本的聚合是怎样使文学作品诞生的。 - 3
Starting from educational facts, the questioning method of phenomenological education provides researchers with a flexible approach to "see" and "ask about" education. 教育现象学提问方式从教育事实出发,为研究者提供了一种灵活地[看]教育和[问]教育的方式。