释义 |
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BEIJING — This city’s network of arterials, five ring roads that are fed by nine more freeways, is barely two decades old, but it is already sclerotic. 环绕北京的五条内环路,修建时间最长的,也不过只有二十年的时间。 但因为这五条内环路又通向各自连接的共九条高速公路。 - 2
But Dallas point guard Jason Kidd, a 17-year-vet and nine-time All-Star, is a Hall of Famer who wants a ring too. 但是达拉斯的后卫基德,一个17年老兵,9次参加全明星,已经满是荣誉,还需一枚戒指来增光添彩。 - 3
He bought her a cake, flowers, a ring, The whole nine yards.