?英国国家医学研究所(National Institute For Medical Research)
干扰素的历史 .干扰素的作用 - 生物制药资讯中心 么工作,在工作方面Burke面 临着两个选择,一个是进行火箭燃料研究,一个是到位于Mill Hill的国家卫生研究院(National Institute for Medical Research,NIMR)进行有关病毒的生物化学研究最后Burke选择了进行病毒学研究,并在Mill Hill结识了Isaac
Al-Nimr's parents are expected to visit him on Friday on the occasion of the Eid al-Adha holiday.
CNN: Story highlights
But as Nimr exemplifies, there are mutterings about Jordan's inability to act as an independent, Arab country.
BBC: Jordan tribes' despair over Iraq
And some Sunni dissidents sigh that the government thrives on the sort of provocative statements issued by Mr Nimr, whom the Sunni majority in Saudi Arabia already finds easy to demonise.