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蓝色尼罗河,。 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
“MEN are intimidated when they go into a jewellery store to buy their first diamond,” says Diane Irvine, the chief executive of Blue Nile. “男人们走进珠宝店买他们第一件珠宝的时候总会有些压迫感。” 蓝色尼罗河的总经理黛安.厄文说。 - 2
"MEN are intimidated when they go into a jewellery store to buy their first diamond," says Diane Irvine, the chief executive of Blue Nile. “男人们走进珠宝店买他们第一件珠宝的时候总会有些压迫感。”蓝色尼罗河的总经理黛安。厄文说。 - 3
Blue Nile adopted a virtual model, in which it provides a shop window for suppliers yet does not put any of its own capital at risk. 蓝色尼罗河采用虚拟模式,它为供应商提供一个虚拟橱窗,而不用冒险投入自己的资金。