释义 |
1 ?玻尔理论 ... Bohr radius玻尔半径 Bohr theory玻尔理论 boil沸腾,煮沸 ... 2 ?波尔理论 ... 匣钵坯 body; sagger 波尔理论 Bohr theory 锅炉 boiler ... 3 ?波耳学说 ... 波耳量子化条件 Bohr quantization condition 波耳半径 Bohr radius 波耳学说 Bohr theory ... 4 ?玻尔学说 ... Bohr radius 玻尔半径,波玻尔半径 Bohr theory 玻尔理论,玻尔学说,波尔理论 Bohr transition 玻尔跃迁,波尔跃迁 ...
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The Bohr theory, with its strong flavor of elementary classical mechanics, formed an important bridge between classical physics and present-day atomic theory. 玻尔理论具有强烈的初等古典力学的气味,这就构成了古典物理和近代原子理论间的一座重要的桥梁。 - 2
And the 0.0016 is greater than what I would have as experimental error, so your theory is wrong. Bohr says oh, yeah? 0016比,我检测出来的错误大得多,所以你的理论是错的,波尔说,哦,是吗? - 3
In 1913, the Danish physicist Niels Bohr was the first to propose a theory of the atom based on quantum principles. 1913年,丹麦物理学家尼尔斯·波尔第一个提出基于量子原理的原子理论。