释义 |
1 ?迷离夜合花 ... 灯红酒绿杀人夜 Prom Night 迷离夜合花 Night Games 小可爱 Little Darlings ... 2 ?黑夜游戏 资料 中文名: 黑夜游戏 英文名: Night Games 类 型: 剧情 导 演: 罗杰-瓦迪姆 编 剧: Anton Diether , Clarke Reynolds , Barth Jules Sus 3 ?夜间游戏 ... Night Gallery 午夜画廊 Night Games 夜间游戏(怨妻) Night Gaures 夜晚的游戏 ...
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The fields are green and finely manicured, some are made from artificial turf, some have lights to allow for night games. 棒球场地绿意盎然且修剪整齐,有些是人工草皮,有些有灯光装置,晚上可以进行比赛。 - 2
Generally used to highlight architectural contour shape, such as stairs, bars, night games in the walls, stairs decoration. 一般用于突出建筑轮廓造型,如台阶、酒吧、夜场中墙面、楼梯装饰等。 - 3
Emily, you are playing video games again! I called you last night, but nobody answered. 艾米丽,你又在玩电子游戏了!我昨晚给你打电话了,但是没人接。