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1 ?保险插销 土木工程英语翻译 ... 叶桨搅拌式沥青乳化机||paddle bitumen emulsifying machine 夜间施工噪声||night construction noise 液罐挂车||tank trailer ...
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We searched the house, above and below, and the yard and stables; they were invisible: and at last, Hindley in a passion told us to bolt the doors, and swore nobody should let them in that night. 当我去叫他们吃晚饭时,哪儿也找不到他们,我们搜遍了这所房子,楼上楼下,以及院子和马厩,连个影儿也没有。 最后,辛德雷发着脾气,叫我们闩上各屋的门,发誓说这天夜里谁也不许放他们进来。 - 2
Usain Bolt blazed into the Olympic history books last night, becoming the first man to break world records while winning both 100m and 200m RACES at a single Games. 乌塞恩·博尔特昨晚载入奥林匹克史册,成为第一位在一届奥运会上获得100米、200米短跑双料冠军并打破世界纪录的运动员。 - 3
On Saturday night in Beijing, the tall one-meter, 96-centimeter Bolt used his long, quick strides to cover 100 meters in a jaw-dropping 9.96 seconds. 星期六晚上,博尔特这个1米96的高个头在北京以疾速的大步跑,令人惊讶地只用9秒96的时间就冲过100米终点。