释义 |
1 ?客观评分 三、客观评分(objective scoring)或计算错误法(error-count method) 不受任何主观干扰的评分方法应为客观评分,即数出文章中的错误,按错误数目扣分。
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When you feel like you've found the right person, even if you know each other well, do a detailed, formal interview, where you use an objective scoring system to evaluate candidates. 当你觉得已经找到人选时,就算你们彼此十分了解,也请做一次详细的正式面试,可以用一套客观评分系统来评价这位候选人。 - 2
The new test also sets the standard for providing fair, unbiased and objective scoring, building on ets's record and reputation as the world leader in all facets of educational assessment. 建基于ETS长久以来在教育测评各个领域的领先地位和声誉,托福网考还设定了公平、公正、客观评分的新标准。 - 3
Many people believe smart machines are necessarily correct and objective, but machines are trained through a repeated testing and scoring process. 许多人认为智能机器必然是正确和客观的,但机器是通过反复测试和评分过程来训练的。