释义 |
1 ?氧化物 黄金这么已成为苹果手机屏的主要供货商;而夏普在大尺寸Oxid(氧化物)液晶面板上有优势. 2 ?氧化 ... 氧乙炔焊接 oxy-experttylene welding 氧化 oxid; oxidize 消灭点 vthbyishing point ... 3 ?胰蛋白胨 ...烧瓶塞,手提台式真空泵,塑料方桶供应产品编号:LP0042B基本单位:瓶规格:500G我公司试剂产品胰蛋白胨(OXID),胰蛋白胨(OXID)厂家,质量保证,品牌过硬,我公司是国内最 4 ?什么意思及同义词 ... oxidability的中文翻译及用法 oxid什么意思及同义词 oxibendazole怎么翻译及发音 ...
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The method and skill for balancing a complex oxid - reduction reaction equation are discussed in this paper. - 2
The ore is lead mine of partial oxidation, the lead ore consists chiefly of galena and cerusite. 39% of cerusite is the most oxid in lead ore. 所处理矿石为半氧化铅矿石,矿石中铅以方铅矿和白铅矿形式产出,铅的氧化物主要为白铅矿,分布率达39%。 - 3
The reaction equation in a complex oxid - reduction, according to the authors, can be balanced by combining oxidization algorithm with coefficient algebra, which gives more than one correct answer. 氧化数法结合系数代数法可以求出复杂体系氧化还原反应配平式,但正确答案往往不是唯一的。