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业主自住房屋 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?自有住房消费 CPI中采用使用者成本法测算自有住房消费成本的几个问题_电子商务毕业论文,国际贸易毕业论文_毕业论文天下网 关键词:CPI、自有住房消费、使用者成本法 [gap=972]KEYWORDS:CPI, Owner Occupied Housing, User Cost Approach 2 ?房主自用住宅 ... 住客房 occ=occupied 房主自用住宅 owner occupied housing; owner-occupied housing 住自己房子的房主 person who owns the house he lives in ...
- 1
Although total housing supply is not far out of line, the distribution of supply between the rental and owner-occupied markets remains distorted. 尽管楼市的总供给没有太大的偏离,但是租房市场和售房市场的供给比例还是不太协调。 - 2
Property values rise, and cheap, privately rented housing is turned into dearer, owner-occupied property. 房产价值上涨,私有廉租住房变成昂贵、业主居住的房产。 - 3
People under 44 own, again, just 15% of owner-occupied housing.