Owen Bank is a wholly submerged atoll structure in the Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean. The reported location is 06°47'S, 070°14'E to 06°48'S, 070°15'E, thus the bank is the westernmost feature of the Chagos group.
Owen points out that the Greek central bank significantly hiked the amount of liquidity it pumped into the economy in May (ready money) by 10bn euros - and that this would have been provided effectively by the German central bank as part of the Eurosystem.
BBC: Tick, tock: The risks of depositor flight in Greece
"We have heard from our customers and are responding to their feedback by eliminating the monthly fee, " said John Owen, head of consumer services for the bank.
WSJ: BofA Retreats on Debit Fee, Citing Uproar
Scottish Financial Enterprise chief executive Owen Kelly described the announcement as "good news" for Sainsbury's Bank and for the banking sector in general.