金银复本位制在历史过程中 有三种不同的形态: 1.平行本位制平行本位制(Parallel Standard System)是金银两种本位币按其所含金属实际价值流通, 国家对货币的交换比率不加规定,而由市场上金和银的实际价值自由确定金币和银币比价...
During a parallel backup, whether it is a standard backup (onbar -b) or whole-system backup (onbar -b -w), multiple processes run simultaneously and back up data to separate dbspaces.
在并行备份期间,不管是标准备份(onbar - b)还是全系统备份(onbar - b - w),都是多个进程同时运行,并将数据备份到不同的dbspace中。
The UPS equipment for the platforms of CNCOC is specially designed and not standard UPS equipment. The dual standard UPS parallel operation system is recommended as a new type.