释义 |
1 ?尼科利尼 位于米兰华人社区中心尼科利尼(Niccolini)街的义大利医生恩佐-焦迪琦(Enzo Giudice)的诊所,每天都会有很多华人前来谘询人工流产的价格。
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The father of two grown daughters, Mr. Niccolini escapes the din of the restaurant world at the Bedford, N. WSJ: Julian Niccolini - 2.
For the last 36 years, Mr. Niccolini, 59, has used his irreverent sense of humor and political savvy to establish the Four Seasons as the city's power-lunch gold standard. WSJ: Julian Niccolini - 3.
In addition to running the restaurant, Mr. Niccolini finds time to appear in films most recently "Arbitrage, " with Richard Gere and write the occasional column for the New York Observer, Details and Gotham magazines. WSJ: Julian Niccolini