释义 |
您要找的是不是: naven. (教堂的)中殿;(铁路车站等建筑的... nativeadj. 本国的;土著的;天然的;与生俱来... - 1
In contrast, if we're taking the wave function and describing it in terms of n, l, m sub l, and now also, the spin, what are we describing here? 相反,如果我们考虑一个波函数,然后用n, l, m小标l,还有自旋,我们描述的是什么? - 2
This is the new wave of rock n roll. - 3
By the method of linear transformation, the solution forms of vector wave equation in spherical coordinates, l, m and n, are transformed to the many other kinds of forms. 利用线性变换的方法,将球坐标下矢量波动方程解的形式l、M和N变换为其他多种形式。