n. 冰原;粒雪
n. 痣
天然气:天然气汽车(NGVs)是一个不错的选择船队为高燃料使用 如公交车,垃圾车,的士,都集中推波助澜。
Mit Jahresbeginn 2010 waren bereits rund 5300 ?sterreichs Stra?en zugelassen的NGVs (天然气车) auf (874 Neuzulassungen im Jahr 2009) [2]。
Across the nation the opportunities to source natural gas, buy vehicles, refuel, and drive NGVs are tremendous.
FORBES: Guest Column: The Shift To Natural Gas Vehicles Is Happening
As States and communities introduce more rigorous emissions standards, NGVs become more appealing for businesses that need to meet the regulations.
Natural gas vehicles (NGVs) are a reality on the American road today.