n. 无伤大雅的谎言,小谎;一击 | vi. 撒小谎
...斯银号(Lloyds Bank)票据战略师Adrian Schmidt示意,全美金鸡独立企业同盟(National Federation of Independent Business,NFIB)公布的小企业悲观指数涌现下滑, 墨攻,再度反照见以后小企业功绩的复苏依然乏力, 天地英雄,且使得市面..
...不会发送一些unsolicited email(未经请求的邮件),更不会再邮件中所要用户的个人信息或是密码等。 英国国家欺诈情报局(NFIB)提醒广大民众一定要谨防此类欺诈性邮件。可是,这些裹着”英国司法部“、”英国内政部“外壳的邮件着实令人防不胜防。
网站标题:National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) 网站站长:National Federation of Independent Business 联系邮箱:host.master@nfib.org
"You can't mandate something that people can't afford, " says Todd Stottlemyer, president of the NFIB.
FORBES: Magazine Article
According to an NFIB survey of small businesses, that's exactly what's happening at present.
FORBES: Political Economy
For its part, the NFIB has shown its willingness to make concessions to push health care legislation forward.