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The great merchant flour mills of Baltimore and Rochester fell into this category, as did some of the large packing plants in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and (after 1840) Cincinnati. 巴尔的摩和罗彻斯特的大型商业化面粉厂即属于此列,纽约、费城、巴尔的摩以及(1840年后)辛辛那提的一些大型包装厂也是如此。 - 2
The great merchant flour mills of baltimore and rochester fell into this category , as did some of the large packing plants in new york , philadelphia , baltimore , and ( after 1840 ) cincinnati. 巴尔的摩和罗彻斯特的大型商业化面粉厂即属于此列,纽约、费城、巴尔的摩以及( 1840年后)辛辛那提的一些大型包装厂也是如此。