...续驶上A5公路,公路旁就是波光粼粼的斯图鲁尔河(Strule River),穿过可以看到十七世纪城堡的纽丹恩斯图瓦特(Newtownstewart),接着经过十四世纪盖尔城堡双塔。
... 纽敦哈密尔顿 newtownhamilton 纽敦斯图尔特 newtownstewart 普雷里多格敦河 prairie dog town fork ...
Mr Donaghy was walking on the Beltany Road, Newtownstewart, when the collision happened at about 23:00 BST on Friday.
BBC: Road victim named as young GAA footballer Cathal Donaghy
The teenager who died after he was hit by a car in Newtownstewart, County Tyrone, on Friday night has been named locally as Cathal Donaghy.
The man died after a crash in Larne, County Antrim, while the teenager died in hospital after he was hit by a car in Newtownstewart, County Tyrone.
BBC: Northern Ireland