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牛顿,N 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Not long after Galileo saw the moon up close, inventors like Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton and n. Cassegrain made a succession of major innovations in telescope design. 伽利略看到月球景象后不久,开普勒、牛顿、卡塞格伦都为望远镜的改进设计做出了很大贡献。 - 2
With increase of temperature, the consistency index K declined, the flow index n increased and the ginger paste trend to Newton fluid. 随着温度的升高,稠度系数K减小,流变指数增大,更趋向牛顿流体。 - 3
It defines n-ple derivative, n-ary absolutely continuous function, generalized n-ple primitive function and Newton n-ple integral. 定义了n重导数,n元绝对连续函数,广义n重原函数及牛顿n重积分。