... ( ) Z M Y ω + 是原边的输入阻抗, 其中 2 22 ( ) M Y ω 即 2 22 ( ) M Z ω 称为引入阻抗,或反映阻抗(reflected impedance),它是副边的回路 阻抗通过互感反映到原边的等效阻抗常用 r Z 表示。这就是说次级回路对初级回路的影响 可以用反映阻抗来计算。
It depends on the tube type, the power supply voltage, the reflectedimpedance, and the required operating point.
A pulse wave is produced by intermittent left ventricular ejection, propagates from the centre to the periphery along the arterial tree, and can be reflected at the points of impedance mismatch.
In order to extract wide-band scattering parameters by one computation, the concept of characteristic impedance is introduced to separate transmitted and reflected voltage waves.