幸运儿之一的 巴恩哈特 ( Barnhart ),早前母亲节跟父母庆祝,在意大利餐厅斯皮戈鲁(Spigolo)进餐。想要付款离开时,侍应告诉她早已有人替他们结帐。
... 所属州: OH 名字: Barnhart 姓: S ...
用户研究从20 世纪60 年代开始,有的是对 英语单语词典的使用开展的,如伯恩哈特 (Barnhart),伦道夫?
班宗华 ; 班宗华教授 ; 般宗华 ; 伯恩哈特
巴恩哈特 ; 巴哈特
"It's pretty amazing that we even walked out alive, " Barnhart told CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
CNN: Doctor's quick thinking saves patients
"We were hearing it, and we knew that it was coming for us, " Barnhart remembers.
Cars, including Barnhart's, are now piled upside down and sideways in the parking lot.