穿戴式装置种类繁多,总的分为三大类:智能手表、配戴式追踪装置(Activity Tracker)与头戴式装置。头戴式装置受制于法令以及个人隐私和文化的差异,可能局限在专业技术工作者与游戏类用途。
索尼此前曾表示,该产品的定位是生活追踪器(life tracker),而不只是活动追踪器(activity tracker),何解?
The GeoPalz ibitz PowerKey activity tracker and paired mobile app are just for kids.
CNN: Digital health for kids, seniors and workout buffs
We believe that is achieved through creating a great activity tracker that syncs with the devices you are currently using.
ENGADGET: Fitbit updates Android app with wireless syncing over Bluetooth 4.0
Companies like Withings, which offer an API that syncs with FitBit, just announced a competitive device called the Smart Activity Tracker.
FORBES: CES 2013: The Year of The Quantified Self?