...racter Recognizing Intelligent Terminal 光学字符识别智能终端 OCRS Optical Character Recognition System 光学字符识别系统 OCRT Optical Character Recognition Technology 光学字符识别技术 ..
...optical character recognition reader 光学字符阅读器 optical character recognition system 光符号识别系统; 光字符识别系统 optical character recognition teleprinter 光学字符识别电传打字机 ..
optical character recognition reader 光学字符阅读器 optical character recognition system光符号识别系统; 光字符识别系统 optical character recognition teleprinter 光学字符识别电传打字机 ..
This paper briefly introduces the flying spot scanner of the "789" model of OpticalCharacterRecognitionsystem developed in Futan University.
To understand what these pieces mean, consider an opticalcharacterrecognitionsystem that scans glyphs printed on paper and converts them into three-digit decimal Numbers.
The layout analysis module is the pre-processing part of the opticalcharacterrecognitionsystem. The accuracy of layout analysis directly affect the degree of automation of OCR.