释义 |
1 ?纷乱 Numerous And Disorderly(纷乱), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 2 ?缭乱 ...总结时,却众口一词(speak with [in] one voice)的诉起苦来,所言不外乎现在(nowadays)天下缭乱(numerous and disorderly),世事艰苦(difficult),某一地某一事怎样(how)怎样(how),亏了若干(number),说的是声情并茂,惨绝人寰,只差黯然泪下了... 3 ?多而乱 ... [ diverse and confused ] (言论、事情等)众多而杂乱 [ numerous and disorderly ] 多而乱 杂乱 [ dispute ] 争执 ... 4
- 1
Although this movement's content is numerous and disorderly, but with modernism's ideology is consistent. 尽管这个运动的内容非常庞杂,但是与现代主义的思想意识是相一致的。 - 2
Have the numerous and disorderly data, people should classify these data first, then analyses and study the less data sets respectively, and then making decision and prediction. 当人们面对海量、芜杂、纷乱的数据时,首先要对这些数据进行分类,然后再对较小的数据集合进行分析研究,进而做出决策和预测。 - 3
While feeling injury, if the public is disorderly and numerous uneasy, and has an idea of revenge, this is called exasperation. 在感受到伤害时,人心如果纷乱不安,并且有报复之意,这就叫做愤怒。