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Michael Nathanson, an analyst at Nomura Equity Research, ran an interesting breakup analysis of News Corp on Monday. 上周一,野村证券研究部(Nomura Equity Research)的分析师迈克尔?内桑森对新闻集团进行了一番解体分析,颇为有趣。 - 2
The result so far is “good news, not great news, ” David Pursell, a financial analyst at Tudor Pickering Holt &Co. in Houston, said. 到目前为止的结论是“好消息,但不是极好的消息,”休斯顿都铎皮克林霍尔特公司的一位金融分析家大卫.珀塞尔说。 - 3
That, said Leslie Fiering, a senior analyst with research firm Gartner, was not good news for the customer. 研究公司Gartner的资深分析师Leslie Fiering认为,这对顾客来说却不是什么好消息。