《拉文纳》获 得牛津大学纽迪吉特奖(Newdigate Prize),并在牛津大学的谢尔登剧院公开朗诵。诗歌反映 了王尔德受古典诗歌的影响以及他的怀旧情感,同时也反映了他着意玩华和酌奇、刻意...
赢得纽迪盖奖 ; 而赢得纽迪该奖 ; 纽迪吉特奖
However, inquiry chairman Lord Saville of Newdigate said the material could not be assumed to be accurate.
BBC: Derry Guildhall
Lord Saville of Newdigate has already heard evidence from more than 800 witnesses, including the prime minister in 1972, Sir Edward Heath.
BBC: Sir Mike was a captain in the Parachute Regiment at the time
Lord Saville of Newdigate and the Commonwealth judges accompanying him on the inquiry are not expected to report back until next year.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | McGuinness reveals 'IRA history'