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1 ?新巴尔的摩 bigmir)net TOP 100 港口 新巴尔的摩 (New Baltimore), 美国, 海运费,货物承运,集装箱运输,集装箱跟踪,运费报价,船运公司,海事保险,运价交易,海运软件开发,集装箱运价交易,... 2 ?城市 ... 名称: Bittlebrum John 城市: New Baltimore 所属州: PA ...
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Facing a national blood shortage, physicians in Atlanta, Pittsburgh, New York, Baltimore and Washington moved to postpone nonemergency surgeries. 面对全国性血液供应不足的情况,亚特兰大、匹兹堡、纽约、巴尔的摩和华盛顿的医生都推迟了非紧急手术的时间。 - 2
By early Thursday, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington had announced new annual snow records, and more than a foot of snow lay across parts of new Jersey, Connecticut and Long Island. 星期四上午,费城,巴尔的摩,和华盛顿都已公布了新的年度降雪记录,在新泽西,康乃狄格州和长岛的部分地区雪已积到一尺多厚。 - 3
During the second half of his short life, Poe went after a literary career in New York, Richmond, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. 在他短暂生涯中的第二段时期,坡以一名文学工作者的身份去往纽约,里士满,费城和巴尔的摩。