前来《印尼星洲日报》单位参观挥毫的国油(Pertamina)分行技术主任James Suawa(45岁)接受《印尼星洲日报》访问时表示,本身很喜欢中华艺术。
... 公司(Pertamina) 丸红株式会社(MARUBENI) 巴西银行(BANCO DO BRASIL) ...
Another government oil company, Pertamina of Indonesia (No. 48), grossed 25.7% and netted 374% more.
CNN: Asiaweek.com | Asiaweek 1000 | E-Companies To Watch
Key state companies now have new CEOs, among them oil giant Pertamina, power monopoly PLN and Bank Nasional Indonesia.
CNN: Securing His Place
Pertamina, the state-owned firm that administers the subsidy, is facing a desperate cash crunch, and has resorted to running down its stocks.
ECONOMIST: Indonesia's election