释义 |
persuasiveness 英/ p??swe?s?vn?s / 美/ p?r?swe?s?vn?s / - 1
语言学 说服力 The main clue of the thesis is to explain the persuasiveness of metaphor in advertising in the light of the speech act theory. 该论文的主要线索便是从言语行为理论角度探讨广告中隐喻的劝诱性和说服力。 说服性 To achieve the goal, ads must be persuasive enough to win their audience’positive attitudes towards them, which makes persuasiveness to be the most striking feature in adverting language. 广告商通常采用很具有说服性的语言赢得消费者对广告产品的正面关注和评价。 可以说,广告语言的劝诱性和说服性是广告语言的突出特点。 劝导性 劝说性 The language of advertising is of decisive importance to the persuasiveness and effectiveness of advertising. 广告语言在广告的劝说性和有效性方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
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