...parsing of the data stream 数据流解析 pasterized 马赛克 patches 片面 personal video recorder个人视频录象机 phosphors = display 显示 pixel fill rate 象素填充速度 pixel reads 象素读取 pixel rendering 像素渲染 pixel shaders 象素着...
...改造,但由于完全改造现有线路代价太高,一时难以实现,因此当前需要一种代价不高的过渡方案,带个人录像机(personal video recorder,PVR)功能的机顶盒正是在这样的背景下应运而生的,它通过在机顶盒中加入存储设备并结合电子节目指南,在用户端实...
...频头(Tuner),使得高清数字机顶盒具有地面数字高清节目收看和PVR功能,PVR的全称是Personal Video Recorder(个人视频录像机),PVR的突出特点是以硬盘作为存储媒介,建立本地的海量缓冲区和巨大的节目存储库,利用数字化处理技术,实现对节目的控制和管理。
In these patents, Apple refers to a system that could "include a set-top box with or without a digital videorecorder DVR or, personalvideorecorder PVR."
TiVo, maker of the pioneering personalvideorecorder (PVR), says it plans to enable subscribers to download recorded shows on to iPods and other portable devices for viewing on the move.