释义 |
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For example, metadata about a recorded song might include information about its artist, album, composer, length, or quality, whereas the data is the audio recording itself. 例如,关于所录制的歌曲的元数据可能包括关于演唱者、专辑、作曲、长度或质量的信息,而数据则是音频记录本身。 - 2
Her third full-length album, Heart That's Pounding, is available on April 6 in North America. 她的第三个完整长度的专辑,心的碰撞,是4月6日已在北美。 - 3
Around an hour in length, 'They Made History' is not the type of album that can be picked apart track by track, rather, it works as a complete piece that gently unfolds scene by scene. 整张碟是一个完整的音乐篇章,而不是可以分开的每一个单独的音轨。历时一小时,各种音乐元素的融合,制造出一种凝重的氛围,烘托了“他们创造了历史”这一事件的严重性。