释义 |
1 ?悬河 公布 中文名称:悬河 英文名称:perched river 其他名称:地上河 定义:河床高出两岸地面的河流。 应用学科: 水利科技(一级学科);水文、水资源(二级学科);陆地水文学(水利)(二级学科) 河床高
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This city of 3 million, perched on hills between the desert and the fertile valley below, draws its drinking and irrigation water from the Jordan River. 阿曼,这个三百万人口的城市,坐落在沙漠和靠下方物产丰富的山谷之间的山上,饮水和灌溉水斗来自于约旦河。 - 2
The river rapids, pass the river perched on a wooden bridge, across the cliff on both sides, is the only pathway of lazikou. 山中一道河水急流而下,隘口处的河上架着一座木桥,横跨于两岸陡壁之上,是通过腊子口的唯一通路。 - 3
Perched on the river, just south west of Chengdu, it boasts post card perfect dark rustic buildings featuring signature curved Chinese rooves. 它坐落于成都西南边的府河旁,有着如明信片般优美的幽深乡村建筑,典型的椭圆屋顶。