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- abbr.波托马克电力公司(the Potomac Electric Power Company)
1 ?小猪班纳 ...统品牌的新零售玩法五花八门,然而多数停留在小范围测试阶段,真正自上而下全身心进行新零售改造的企业品牌并不多,PEPCO(小猪班纳)是其中一个。PEPCO 联. 2 ?撼链嫔簱 灏忕尓镢撼链嫔簱(PEPCO)鐢风2012鏂版镞跺皻锏炬惌阍堢粐鍐呰。濂楁槬瑁? 3 ?小猪班纳朋库 (一共有0条小猪班纳朋库(PEPCO)女童装冬季加厚牛仔夹棉.. 4 ?库一代 小猪班纳朋库一代(PEPCO)女童装中长羽绒服32..
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"Despite the skepticism, we believe we're going to get the job done," says Bob Hainey, a spokesman for Pepco. “虽然持怀疑态度,但我们认为将会做好所有工作。”Pepco的发言人鲍勃·海内说。 - 2
"Due to the magnitude of the storm, the company expects the restoration effort to extend over multiple days," Pepco warned. 由于风暴的严重程度,公司预计恢复电力供应的努力将会持续多日。“Pepco提醒说。” - 3
By midday on Friday, Pepco had sent robocalls to customers to prepare for “potential and likely widespread power outages” this weekend. 周五中午,Pepco向所有客户发布了本周末预防”潜在的大范围断电“的通告。”