释义 |
1 ?舌麻 公布 中文名称:舌麻 英文名称:numbness of tongue 定义:舌头有麻木感,并可伴有舌体活动不灵的表现。 应用学科: 中医药学(一级学科); 诊断学(二级学科); 诊法(二级学科) 舌麻,证名。舌体自觉 2 ?舌头麻木感 舌头麻木感 (Numbness of tongue) 及头重感 (Lightheadedness) D. 昏迷、呼吸及心跳血管等抑制 39. 3 ?舌麻木 ... 面麻木 facial anesthesia 舌麻木 numbness of tongue 使麻木 benumb; callous; paralyze ...
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Dizziness, headache, numbness of tongue and limbs, blurring of vision, hearing impairment or even coma, paralysis, etc. 神经系统症状例如感到头晕头痛口舌四肢和身体麻木视听模糊甚至昏迷瘫痪等。 - 2
There is a high risk of permanent or temporary numbness of the tongue due to damage of the nerve with this treatment and it is no longer recommended as a standard treatment in oral surgery. 因为这种治疗方法会损伤神经,对舌头造成永久或暂时麻痹,有很高的风险,所以口腔外科中不再将此法作为标准治疗方法。 - 3
Slips of the tongue, headaches, backache and other pains, dizziness, light-headedness, numbness, muscle twitches, jerks, cramps, and tremors all occur in totally healthy persons. 像口误(slips of the tongue)、 头痛、背痛和其他疼痛、头晕、肌肉抽搐或抽动、痉挛性震颤等,都是完全健康者也可能发生的。