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1 ?中子腐蚀 ... 中子转换器 neutron converter 中子腐蚀 neutron corrosion 中子计数器 neutron counter ...
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The results show that neutron radiation embrittlement, corrosion damage, fatigue and wear are the key issues which cause aging or degradation of un replaceable or difficultly replaceable components. 分析表明,中子辐照脆化、腐蚀损伤、疲劳及磨损引起核电厂不可更换部件及更换困难部件的老化、降级是制约或极大程度影响电厂寿命的关键问题。 - 2
On ageing mechanism of these components, the critical problems are neutron irradiation embrittlement, corrosion damage, fatigue and erosion. 在设备老化机理中,关键问题是中子辐照脆化、腐蚀损伤、疲劳及磨损。 - 3
Zircaloy - 4 is generally used as fuel tubes in pressurized water reactors because of it " s low neutron absorption cross - section, excellent corrosion resistance, good strength and ductility". 由于锆4合金具有低的中子吸收截面,良好的抗腐蚀能力、高强度以及延展性好的特点,被广泛用于压水堆作为核燃料棒的包壳材料。