释义 |
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The rivers feed into the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska — cold, nutrient-rich waters which support tens of millions of seabirds, and over 400 species of fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and mollusks. 这些河流汇入白令海和阿拉斯加湾这片寒冷而又营养丰富的水域,在这片水域里生活着数千万只海鸟、400多种鱼类、贝类、甲壳类和软体动物。 - 2
Sooty shearwaters log almost 40, 000 miles migrating from New Zealand to Alaska and back, while ruby-throated hummingbirds can fly 20 hours without stop migrating across the Gulf of Mexico. 乌黑鹱在新西兰与阿拉斯加之间来回迁徙,期间飞行的距离几近40000英里;而红宝石喉蜂鸟在跨越墨西哥湾的途中,能够连续不停地飞行20小时。 - 3
The Bering Glacier, about 10 km from the Gulf of Alaska, is the largest glacier in North America. 源于阿拉斯加湾的白令冰川(Bering Glacier)绵延10公里,是北美最大的冰川。