释义 |
1 ?重叠对比 ... overlapping community 重叠群落 overlapping contrast 重叠对比 overlapping corner-beam 搭角梁 ...
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Layering is particularly effective when there is a notable contrast in the shade or texture of two overlapping objects. 当两个物体在色度,质感上发生对比的时候,层次感非常强烈。 - 2
The Luang Say, by contrast, is a replica slowboat with overlapping roofs, polished timber decks, rattan chairs and wooden benches, perfect for a spot of shade-bathing. 相比之下,Luang Say号游船是一艘仿古的慢船,有重叠的屋顶、光亮的原木甲板、藤靠椅和木头长凳,在船上做一个遮阴处的空气浴是再完美不过了。 - 3
Overlapping mountains, thick body, contrast pines Boulder, changing clouds, making it both in the powerful bright and quiet with magic. 重叠的山势,厚重的形体,苍松巨石的烘托,云烟的变化,使它在雄浑中兼有明丽,静穆中透着神奇。