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neuropharmacology 英/ ?nj??r???fɑ?m??k?l?d?? / 美/ ?n?ro??fɑ?rm??kɑ?l?d?i / - 1
医药科学 神经药理学 Planarians have been a new animal experimental model in vivo for neuropharmacology,because they possess a primitive central nervous system and neurotransmitter systems similarly to mammalians. In addition,they have the advantage of convenience and low cost and no ethics problems compared with mammalian models. 涡虫具有原始的中枢神经系统,其神经递质系统与哺乳类相似,具有易观察可量化的戒断反应,具有易饲养、低成本、无伦理问题等优于哺乳类实验动物的特点,因而迅速成为新的神经药理学在体动物实验模型。