释义 |
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When burning occurs, it prevents competition among plant species from progressing to the point where some species exclude others, reducing the overall diversity of the ecosystem. 当发生燃烧时,它阻止了植物物种之间的竞争发展到某些物种排斥其他物种的程度,减少了生态系统的整体多样性。 - 2
Encephalitis and seizures occur in severe cases, progressing to coma within 24 to 48 hours. 严重病例会发生脑炎和癫痫,进而在24至48小时内陷入昏迷。 - 3
To appreciate the flavors of each type of fish, start with mild, light-colored varieties before progressing to fattier, bolder-tasting dark fish. 为了品尝每一种鱼的味道,从颜色浅味道温和的品种开始吃,渐渐过渡到脂肪含量更高味道更重的深色鱼类。