释义 |
计划,计划生育 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
What is the evidence that abortion plays an important role in China's family planning program? 有什么证据说明堕胎在中国的家庭计划项目有重要的作用? - 2
Topics of study include child development, adolescent psychology, family law, and program planning. 课程包括儿童成长,青少年心理学,婚姻家庭法和方案规划等。 - 3
Principles of family support are modeled in all program activities, including planning, governance, and administration. 各项计划的活动,无论在策划、管辖及行政上都按照家庭援助的原则进行。