释义 |
1 ?父权社会 尤金?奥尼尔的女性们《科学时代》面向科技、教育、社科、经济领域的综合性期刊 关键词:尤金•奥尼尔;女性;父权社会 [gap=4987]Key Words: O’Neill, women, patriarchal society 2 ?男权社会 ...海经院,海南大学,琼台,海南师范大学 关键词]身份焦虑;男权社会;颠覆 [gap=669]Key words]identity anxiety;patriarchal society;deconstruct ... 3 ?父系社会 ... 父系威权 patriarchial authority 父系社会 patrilineal society ; patriarchal society 父系家族 patrilineal family ... 4 ?宗法社会 宗法社会(patriarchal society), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
- 1
She is a typical victim of the patriarchal society. - 2
There is no equivalent for a girl, but in adeeply patriarchal society that doesn’t matter. - 3
After patriarchal society came into existence in China, women were regarded as part of the property in the family. 自从中国进入男权家族社会,女性便作为家族财产被划定了身份。