...的一个姻缘。近年来,珠宝设计界的印度符号依然显而易见。 为了那绚丽与古老文化的神秘感 1928年,法国珠宝巨匠卡地亚受印度帕蒂亚拉(Patiala)的土邦主Maharaja?Sir?Bhupindar?Singh之托,为他设计一系列奢靡到极致的全身成套珠宝。
③那巴是普提亚拉(Patiala)地区的一个城镇,曾是一个王公邦的首府。参见Harballs siIlgll,zk E恻以卿18d施o,s飙^厶m, Volume m,Pllnj曲i Unive鹞蚵,蹦...
印度巴脱亚拿邦大公 ; 印度土邦君主巴提亚拉 ; 帕蒂亚拉土邦主 ; 印度帕蒂亚拉土邦主
帕蒂亚拉土邦主 ; 印度大君派堤亚拉 ; 王子即帕蒂亚拉土邦主
Ms Chanu was flown in to Delhi on Sunday and produced in the Patiala House court on Monday morning.
BBC: Irom Sharmila: India activist in 'suicide attempt' charge
Tuesday's action, at New Delhi's Patiala House, will be largely procedural, and executives from Google and Facebook aren't required to attend.
WSJ: Facebook, Google to Stand Trial in India
On Monday morning, the two alleged killers went to the Patiala House court complex in Delhi to give themselves up, reports the Press Trust of India.
BBC: Deepak Bhardwaj