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1 [天]?星系核 ... nucleus of crystallization结晶中心 nucleus of galaxy星系核 nuclide核素 ...
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The internal circles of the Atom mirror the cosmos, at once a law-abiding nucleus of energy, and at the same time the concentric heavenly spheres spinning in the galaxy. 原子的内部轨道是宇宙的真实镜像,一边是遵守规则的能量核,另一边是在星系中旋转的同心球体。 - 2
The Snake Nebula, silhouetted against ancient stars massed near the nucleus of our galaxy, which is about 25, 000 light years away. 蛇形星云,它的轮廓与聚集在我们星系中心的古老恒星逆向,约25,000光年远。 - 3
Messier 64 (M64) has a spectacular dark band of absorbing dust in front of the galaxy's bright nucleus, giving rise to its nicknames of the "Black Eye" or "Evil Eye" galaxy. 它拥有明亮的核心区域和位于前端的壮观的黑色镶边(由尘埃组成),这些外观特征形象地赋予它“黑暗之眼”和“邪恶之眼”这两个昵称。