fication of DNA (DNA的提取与纯化) gel electrophoresis of DNA (DNA凝胶电泳) nucleic acid hybridization (核酸分子杂交) in vitro amplification of DNA by polymerase chain reaction (聚合酶链式反应体外扩增DNA) DNA sequencing (DNA测序) 冯带..
Bioanalytical assay such as nucleicacidhybridization and immunoassays are extremely important in a variety of fields, for example clinical diagnostic medicine and drug testing.
In nucleic acids and proteins detection, the use of nucleicacidhybridization, immunoreaction and small molecule-protein interaction offers desirable selectivity for the assays.
The article introduces the development of rapid detections of pathogenic microbe in food, and reviews modern methods of microbiology, immunology, nucleicacidhybridization and so on.