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计算机科学技术 作战仿真 Operational simulation is an important branch of system simulation. It has already got abroad application in armed forces in developed countries, with the role of enhancing operational efficiency, reducing play cost, examination of operational methods, etc. 作战仿真是系统仿真的一个重要分支,对于提高部队作战效能、降低军演成本、检验战法等具有重要作用,已经在发达国家军队中得到了广泛应用。
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Flow routing plays an important role in the design calculation and operational simulation of storm detention tank. 流量演进在雨水调蓄池的设计计算和运行模拟中具有重要作用。 - 2
STAGE software provides a good environment for operational simulation which can be found in powerful operational laboratories. STAGE软件提供了一种良好的作战仿真环境,利用它可以构建起功能强大的作战实验室。 - 3
Terrain defilade is a key factor for early warning system (EWS) in detecting low altitude targets, effective algorithm provides the foundation of operational simulation. 地形遮蔽是影响预警探测系统发现目标能力的关键因素。有效算法是实施模拟仿真的基础。