abbr. 雅诗兰黛特润修护精华(ADVANCED NIG...
4 American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) The American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) promotes both public and pri- vate nude beaches and parks throughout North America.
... LIFT 学习是一种有趣的时间(新加坡)的Woodgrove小学 AANR 美国众议院的报纸 FPE 美妙的塑料弹性(椅子被罗恩一同) ...
...用二维光子晶体的等频线分析原理和平面波展开方法,得到了使二维光子晶体产生全入射角负折射(All-Angle Negative Refraction,AANR)现象时,入射电磁波的频率取值范围.
The AANR set a Guinness World Record in 2010 for simultaneous skinny dipping with 14, 110 participants across North America.
BBC: Strip down for the end of summer