A portable collector is much smaller in size than the IBM Support Assistant application, and does not require the failing machine to have a network connection to run.
便携收集器的大小比ibm Support Assistant应用程序小得多,并且不需要故障计算机拥有网络连接即可运行。
When enabling the new channel compression support in WebSphere Application Server V7, the contents of messages are compressed as they are transferred over the network.
在WebSphere Application Server v 7中启用新的道通压缩支持时,消息内容通过网络传输时将被压缩。
WebSphere application Server Network Deployment (nd) provides an operating environment with advanced performance and availability capabilities to support dynamic application environments.
WebSphere Application Server Net work Deployment (ND)提供了一个具备高性能和高可用能力的操作环境,以支持动态应用程序环境。