... net supply 供应净额 net tangible assets per share 每股有形资产净值 Net Tangible Assets 有形资产净值 计算方法为总资产减无形资产及负债 ...
... Net Tangible Assets 有形资产净额 Net Tangible Assets Per Share 每股净有形资产值 New Singapore Share新新加坡股票(新新股票) ...
每股净有形资产( Net Tangible Assets Per Share): 净有形资产减负债和优先股票面价值除以股数。
The setting up of STET Centre is not expected to have any material impact on the consolidated nettangibleassetspershare and earnings per share of ST Engineering for the current financial year.
The incorporation of the Shenhuan Taiwan is not expected to have any material impact on the consolidated nettangibleassets and earnings pershare of the Company for the current financial year.