释义 |
- n.过度概括:在推理或判断时过分简化或忽略个别差异,导致错误或不准确的结论。
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语言学 过度泛化 At last, writer concludes the reasons of errors, such as negative move of mother language, overgeneralization of the target language, disappropriate study strategies, bad influences from other extraconditions and soon. 然后总结出偏误产生的原因大致有:母语的负迁移、目的语知识的过度泛化、学习策略的不当、外部环境的不良影响。 过度类推 过度概化 概括过度
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It is text that enables us to "uncover lies, confusions and overgeneralizations, and to detect abuses of logic and common sense." 正是文本让我们能够“发现谎言、困惑和过度概括,察觉逻辑和常识的滥用。” - 2
At level 3, distorted language such as overgeneralizations, presumptions, magnified positions, and either/or emerges. 在3级水平上,出现混乱的语言,比如以偏概全、预设立场、夸张用词、出现“要么……要么……”。