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1 [数]?核范数 3建立A矩阵,试比较sqrt 奇异值分解,Moore-Penrose逆,Nuclear Norm(核范数)在哪些数学专业课教材里会 看矩阵论:介绍线性空间、线性映射、酉空间、欧氏空间、若当标准型、矩阵的分解、矩阵的范数、矩阵的导...
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But if muddle and jealousy win out, nuclear proliferation, not restraint, will be the norm-to enduring regret all round. 如果继续让混乱与嫉妒混淆人们的理智,核扩散非但不会得到限制,反而会成为一件让所有人后悔的憾事。 - 2
Beyond such debating points, Western diplomats have little hope of real gains, such as establishing intrusive nuclear inspections (of the sort that Iran now rejects) as a universal norm. 除了上述争执处外,西方外交官对会议产生实际效果——如将突击性核查(伊朗现在反对的就是这个)确立为公认核查模式——不抱什么希望。 - 3
And the nuclear space, test function space, constitutive space and pavement norm are defined. 定义了柔性路面核子空间、检验空间、本构空间和路面范数。